Pest IDentification System
Homeowners can use the information below to identify pests and helpful tips on preventative pest management tactics. There is also information on approved herbicides, insecticides and termiticides, which are necessary to protect homeowners from serious insect pest damage that may have as negative economic impact. It is of utmost importance for homeowners to understand insect activity outside and inside the home before they can make cost-effective and environmentally sound pest management decisions.
Click on the name of the pest below to get the information you may be looking for:

Termite Control
In Arizona, there are two major species of termites – dry and dampwood. If termite damage is found in your home, the termite colony must be controlled or else a larger colony will develop under ground and in and around the building structure. You will want a specially formulated termiticide or termite bait system that helps prevent and control termite infestations.

Scorpion Control
Scorpions are wandering nomads often meant for the desert but in their travels they can venture into a residential area and find refuge inside a home, or building – so, you will need to perform a careful inspection around your home. You can make your home less appealing to scorpions and their food source (pests) by putting in place some farily simple integrated pest management measures. Getting an insecticide concentrate designed to control over 70 different insect’s is the most ideal inseticide as it kills a long lists of insects (the scorpions food source).

Pigeon Control
Pigeons are very dirty animals. A bird barrier can effectively resolve any type of pigeon problem. A bird barrier uses pigeon spikes or netting to humane bird control solutions. There are abatement programs for managing pigeon flocks on large properties or facilities (refineries, power plants, airports, food processing plants, malls, parks and campuses) without having to resort to poisons and their associated risks.

Rodent Control
You will know Rats and Mice have arrived if you see small pellet droppings near a food source, or shredded fabric or paper. Natural predators such as snakes, hawks, and owls can help to control rodent populations – but the best rodent control solution is a combination of eliminating access points to your home and removing food sources and shelter. To get rid of an existing rodent infestation, try placing glue traps in or around your home. Make sure to check your traps regularly as a dying rodent can create a pest infestation problem.

Weed Control
Weeds invite scorpion, pest and rodent infestation. Weed control is the botanical component of pest control, which attempts to stop weeds, especially noxious weeds. Weed control methods include hand cultivation with hoes, powered cultivation, smothering with mulch, lethal wilting with high heat, burning, and chemical control utilzing modern herbicides (aka weed killers). Irrigation is sometimes used as a weed control measure such as in the case with paddy fields. A biological weed control regiment can consist of biological control agents, bioherbicides, use of grazing animals, and naturally occuring environmental changes.

Ant Control
Reducing moisture and standing water around your home can go a long way to help prevent an ant infestation. Even insect species considered to be a nuisance (like odorous common house ants) can contaminate food. A licensed pest professional will be able to identify the ant species, spot likely entry points, and determine an effective course of treatment.

Spider Control
Spiders eat insects, so reducing the insect population in your home will usually encourage spiders to go elsewhere. Spiders very likely are entering your home through cracks and crevices, so thoroughly weatherproofing the windows, doors, walls, and foundation can greatly reduce the spider population in your home. Pyrethrin, a natural pesticide made from extracts from the chrysanthemum flower, will kill spiders (and other insects) if they receive a direct hit.

Black Widow Control
A black widow bite can be deadly. Species of black widows can be found everywhere in the U.S. Stacks of firewood are a favorite place for black widows to build webs, so get rid of these spider hiding places. You can use certain indoor and outdoor plants to keep black widows and spiders away. Wrens find black widows pretty tasty, so attracting these birds will help control the spider population. Add certain plants to help keep them away and beautify your backyard at the same time.

Bed Bug Control
You can tell you have a bed bug infestation beacuse these insects leave small, yellowish sheds of skin as well as black and rusty spots which are droppings and blood stains from crushed bugs. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), needs to be implemented for effective bed bug control. If you can not find bed bugs but are still concerned about their presence, you may set up a home-made monitor to detect trace amounts, or low numbers, of a bed bug infestation.

Tick Control
Many treatments that kill ticks will also kill fleas, chiggers, and other backyard pests. When you move your yard, ticks move to the outer areas and establish a base of operation until the grass and weeds come back. They find low-hanging shrubs or ground cover plants to use as shelter. EPA-registered foggers will kill fleas, eggs, ticks, lice, mites, and other very unlickeable pests. Loveall Pest Control will sample areas around your home and property to identify the presence of other organisms that could be serving as hosts for ticks, such as small rodents.

Bee Control
Thankfully, with environmentally-friendly bee control methods, you can get rid of a bee infestation in your home or backyard rather easily. You can also give them to a beekeeper. They make honey and give bees a safe home, plus they may remove the entire nest to take with them. If the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, or a member of your household is allergic to bees, then you might want to call Loveall Pest Control very quickly.

Wasp Control
If you are experiencing wasp activity or you notice a nest around your home, it is best to contact Loveall Pest Control. In order to prevent wasps from building a nest, or nests, it is good to know which measures work best as a wasp deterrent.

Pest Control
Pest control is achieved via the management and/or culling of insects and animals – generally small to medium sized, wild or feral mammals or birds that inhabit the ecological niches near farms, pastures or other human settlements – by employing human hunters or trappers to physically track down, and manage, remove and/or kill them from the area.
The advent of synthetic insecticides in the mid-20th century made the control of insects and other arthropod pests much more effective, and such chemicals remain essential in modern agriculture despite their environmental drawbacks.
Because of the problems associated with the heavy use of some chemical insecticides, current insect-control practice combines their use with biological methods in an approach called integrated control.
Except for pyrethrum, Natural insecticides have largely been replaced by newer synthetic organic insecticides.
In an approach called integrated control, a minimal use of insecticide may be combined with the use of:
The pesticides used for the prevention or treatment of termite infestations are called termiticides and must demonstrate the ability to provide structural protection before any termeticide gets acceptance by the EPA.
Termiticides used for barrier treatment must be specifically labeled for that use. Any pest control service in Arizona offering termite treatment must be licensed by the State.
If the pesticide product label does not include directions to control termites and protect the structure, then the product is not intended to protect the structure against termites and should not be applied.
A few chemicals that are utilized by homeowners and professionals alike:
Glyphosate: a systemic nonselective herbicide, is used in no-till burndown and for weed control in crops genetically modified to resist Glyphosate effects.
Imazapic: a selective herbicide for both the pre-emergent and post-emergent control of some annual and perennial grasses and some broadleaf weeds, kills plants by inhibiting the production of branched chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine ), which are necessary for protein synthesis and cell growth.
Pendimethalin: a pre-emergent herbicide, is widely used to control annual grasses and some broad-leaf weeds in a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, many tree and vine crops, and many turf grass species.